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[회화] come up with - 생각해 내다, 제안하다.
영어공부/회화 표현 2024. 7. 29. 20:29

더 즐거운 해외여행을 위하여 시작하게 된 영어 공부입니다.지문은 CAKE 어플의 오늘의 회화 내용입니다.문제가 될 시 삭제하도록 하겠습니다. 지문A : We've got to come up with some ideas for this project.B : I know.A : The other groups have already handed their assignments in.B : Yeah I've been thinking about it but keep drawing a blank.A : Come on. Let's focus.B : Right. Put your thinking cap on.표현생각해 내다 - come up withWe've got to come up with some ideas for..

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[회화] no wonder - 놀랄 일 아니다.(당연하지 느낌)
영어공부/회화 표현 2024. 7. 22. 21:58

더 즐거운 해외여행을 위하여 시작하게 된 영어 공부입니다.지문은 CAKE 어플의 오늘의 회화 내용입니다.문제가 될 시 삭제하도록 하겠습니다. 지문A : This milk's smells off.B : No wonder it's smells bad, it's two weeks past the expiration date.A : I'll throw it away.B : And this bread has got mold on it.A : That's probably out of date by now as well.B : I'll pop out to the coner shop and get some more bread and milk. 표현놀랄 일 아니다. - no wonderNo wonder it's smel..

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[회화] as A as B - B만큼 A
영어공부/회화 표현 2024. 7. 17. 21:42

더 즐거운 해외여행을 위하여 시작하게 된 영어 공부입니다.지문은 CAKE 어플의 오늘의 회화 내용입니다.문제가 될 시 삭제하도록 하겠습니다. 지문A : I've been working remotely twice a week and going into the office three times a week.B : How has that been working outA : It's not as easy as I expected. There too many distractions.B : I had the same problem. The light in the room was also in issue for online conference meeting.A : So what did you do?B : I conv..

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[회화] be interested in - 흥미를 가지다.
영어공부/회화 표현 2024. 7. 15. 21:24

더 즐거운 해외여행을 위하여 시작하게 된 영어 공부입니다.지문은 CAKE 어플의 오늘의 회화 내용입니다.문제가 될 시 삭제하도록 하겠습니다. 지문A : They have lots of language courses hereB : I want to study Spanish.A : Oh. Are you interested in Spain?B : Yeah, And South America.A : Me too. I'd love to travel around South America.B : Then let's sign up for a class. 표현흥미를 가지다. - be interested inOh. Are you interested in Spain?활용Nowaday, I'm interested in stud..